Untethered Ios 6.1.3 Jailbreak Leaked

  1. 6.1.3 Untethered Jailbreak Download

6.1.3 Untethered Jailbreak Download

Untethered ios 6.1.3 jailbreak leaked updateIos

The p0sixspwn untethered jailbreak tool has finally been released for Windows. There has been a lot of development in the jailbreak arena this past month. The was released which covered all of the latest Apple mobile devices, including the iPad Air, iPhone 5S and the Retina iPad mini. Around the same time another well known group of jailbreak developers released the, there’s a long list of devices that support the aforementioned firmware, so it can be said without a doubt that p0sixspwn was well received by the community. Initially the p0sixspwn jailbreak tool was only released for Macs running OS 10.7 or higher. At the time the team said that it was working on a Windows version as well. It took them nearly a fortnight to release the tool for Windows. Now those you wish to jailbreak their devices on either one of the supported firmware can simply do so by downloading p0sixspwn for Windows through the team’s.

Supported devices include iPhone 3GS to iPhone 5, original iPad to the iPad 4, fourth and fifth generation iPod touch and the first iPad mini. Developed by @iH8n0w, @winocm and @SquiffyPwn, jailbreaking a device using this tool is very simple. Just connect your device to the computer, launch the p0sixspwn tool and follow the onscreen instructions.

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