Docker Hangs Issue 163 Docker/for-mac Github

Docker Hangs Issue 163 Docker/for-mac GithubDocker hangs issue 163 docker/for-mac github download

I am trying to run ignite in a Docker container (Mac OS X, Docker 1.9.1) as committed in git: # Start from a Java image. This seems to be a docker issue with java in general, see also: Several solutions possible:.

Docker Hangs Issue 163 Docker/for-mac Github Free

Docker Hangs Issue 163 Docker/for-mac Github

Docker Hangs Issue 163 Docker/for-mac Github Download

create a docker machine as follows and run it in here (cfr. ): docker-machine create -d virtualbox -engine-storage-driver overlay overlaymachine. Add System.exit(0) explicit at the end of each main method (cfr. ). Wait for next docker patched version I think it would be good practice (for now) to add System.exit to all main methods in Ignite since this is independent of alternative hacks on docker or linux in general (linux kernel need AUFS upgrade and many machine may lag behind before that). This way future Ignite version can safely be installed on older kernels also.

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