Get Smart 2 Student's My Digital Book For Mac

Icons/iconMayLibrary My Library NEW Created with Sketch. Djay Pro 2 introduces powerful library editing features that make music management easier than ever.

Create your own custom playlists using songs from iTunes, Spotify, and the file system. Icons/iconSplitMode Split Mode NEW Created with Sketch. In library split mode you can view your songs from iTunes, Spotify, and Finder side by side.

This allows you to manage songs from multiple sources in parallel and with unprecedented efficiency and flexibility. Icons/iconFilter Smart Filters and Playlists NEW Created with Sketch. To help you organize playlists and quickly locate songs, djay Pro 2 includes a powerful Smart Filter. With 12 different criteria, you can create rules that display exactly what you need, either to create permanent playlists, or to temporarily find a specific song. Icons/iconSingleDeck Single Deck Mode NEW Created with Sketch.

In this powerful track preparation view you are presented with an even bigger library and a large single deck view, ideal for preparing cue points, loops, and beat grids. Icons/iconPhotoBeat PhotoBeat NEW Created with Sketch. Mix photos in perfect sync with the music djay Pro 2 introduces PhotoBeat™ unifying music and photos in a first-of-its-kind way.

You can simply drag an album or a selection of photos onto the visual decks and djay Pro 2 instantly creates a perfectly beat-matched slideshow based on the music that is playing. You can also apply effects to your photos in just the same way as video, as well project the visual output via an external monitor through HDMI or AirPlay. At the heart djay Pro is an innovative DJ Software with a modern user interface that provides flexible layers of functionality alongside a powerful music library into a single window interface. It combines djay’s Apple Design Award winning turntable view that renders true record grooves on the virtual vinyl with more advanced modes including horizontal and vertical colored waveforms, live sampler and drum pads, FX racks, as well as a powerful four deck view that allows DJs to play, mix and synchronize up to four tracks simultaneously. Icon-advanced-tools Saved Loops and Cue Points NEW Created with Sketch. Djay Pro 2 allows you to save up to 8 loops and cue points.

You can now also assign names to all your saved loops and cue points. Icon-audio-processing New Audio Engine IMPROVED Created with Sketch. Djay Pro 2 offers ultra-low latency, better speed and accuracy with track analysis and the creation of the highest resolution waveforms. Effects, EQs, filters and loops all benefit from major quality enhancements. Djay Pro never sounded better! Icon-visual-fx Post-fader FX NEW Created with Sketch.

Audio effects have been significantly improved in djay Pro 2. Effects can now be assigned post fader so that closing a fader no longer means shutting off effects tails. Icon-smart-keyboard Keyboard Shortcut Editor NEW Created with Sketch. Djay Pro 2 includes a full keyboard editor which allows you to assign any feature in djay Pro 2 to a custom keyboard shortcut. This is especially useful if you work with a laptop and want to add frequently used features to your setup via the keyboard.

Icon-transitions A B Transitions IMPROVED Created with Sketch. Mix videos using a variety of visual transitions including Blend, Luma, Cube, Swap, Grid, Mosaic, and Push.

You can also enable Split Mode which allows you to crossfader audio and video independently. Icon-image-overlay Title & image overlays djay Pro gives you the ability to overlay your videos with text titles and images. You can use any font installed on your Mac, and pick the colour, opacity and location for the title. Icon-av-recording A/V Recording In addition to its extensive video mixing capabilities, djay Pro gives you the ability to record your sets including all audio, video, overlays and effects. Icon-visual-fx Visual FX djay Pro comes with a host of high quality visual effects which can be chained to offer a large amount of audio and video creativity. Effects include Grid EQ, Kaleidoscope, Circle Splash, RGB Offset, Edges, Invert, Tiles, Splash, Ripples, and Radial Blur. Icon-visualizers Visualizers IMPROVED Created with Sketch.

Apply stunning audio reactive visualizers to your songs, perfectly synchronized to the music. The motion graphics are generated in real-time based on the parameters (such as tempo, beats, frequency) of the currently playing track. Icon-external-display External display From monitors and TVs to projectors, djay pro has the ability to output HD video. So with the right connectors, you can output from your DJ software directly via HDMI, Thunderbolt, to DVI devices, or via Airplay.

. Smartbook assignments adapt to you!

Launch SmartBook assignments from your To Do or class pages just like any other assignment. After selecting content assigned to you from your To Do list or the Table of Contents (A) you can begin reading. You can preview the material using the page images on the left (B).

Especially important content will be highlighted yellow (C). Once you have mastered the concepts these highlights will change to green (D). You can always turn the highlights on or off (E) if you find them distracting. When you are ready to practice, go to the Practice (A) phase, which will reinforce concepts learned during the reading phase. In the Practice phase, answer the questions and then make choices based on your comfort level (A) with the material.

SmartBook recycles content based on your mastery. To complete SmartBook assignments you’ll need to read and answer the questions until you show proficiency in core concepts set up by your instructor, or learning objectives. The Congratulations page confirms you’ve reached the end of the assigned material for specific modules.

Use the Reports (A) section to evaluate your performance and help you use SmartBook more efficiently. Recharge (A) or review SmartBook assignments to keep your knowledge fresh. “Recharging” SmartBook assignments won’t impact your grade for previous attempts but it could make the difference on your next test, quiz or exam. You can always access them after the due date in the Further Study (B) section of your To Do page. There are three places from which to access assignments.

The first is the To Do list (A), which opens as soon as you sign into Connect. This list contains the most pressing assignments from all of your classes: - late assignments or those past the due date - assignments due soon or those due in the next 7 days - assignments for further study or Recharge assignments To get to the To Do list from elsewhere in Connect, open the global navigation panel (B) and, from the Assignment menu (C), select To Do (D).

You can also access assignments from your Calendar (A) and choose to see them by day, week or month (B). To see assignments due on a particular day, simply click the day. To access all of the assignments within a particular class, click the class name (A). You’ll be taken to the, where you can see all assignments and other class information.

You can also use the Classes menu (B) and select the class there (C). LearnSmart is an adaptive learning program that uses your performance to determine how you learn. It knows when you need practice, when it’s time for you to learn something new and when you’re likely to forget material. LearnSmart can even identify your level of confidence. Using this information, LearnSmart presents you with the most effective content to ensure that you’re learning and succeeding. It also offers real-time reports that highlight the concepts with which you’re struggling, and enables personalized study sessions.

Click How to use LearnSmart (A) and then Start (B) to familiarize yourself further with what LearnSmart offers. Once you’ve launched a LearnSmart assignment, it will open to the first question so you can begin right away. LearnSmart requires you to identify how well you think you know an answer before allowing you to answer it. Select one of the four options (A) to answer the question.

Use the progress bar (B) to track your status at any time while taking the assignment. Note that you can provide feedback about question or assignment content by clicking the comment icon (C).

Click the Assignment tab (A) to see a list of all of your LearnSmart assignments. To return to Connect, click Leave Assignment (B). Click My Reports (A) to learn more about your performance and learning status. You can view sections you struggled with most, find more challenging sections and review the accuracy of your self-assessment, among other things. To review or practice assignments you’ve already completed, click Recharge (B). The Recharge attempts are for study purposes only and will not be graded. Here we’ll explain how to pair your existing Canvas course with a new Connect class and register for Connect (create a Connect account).

Once you've logged into Canvas, go to the McGraw-Hill page (A). Then click Begin (B). On the Connect welcome page, click Register (A).

Enter your email address (A) and click Submit (B). Choose one of three ways to register for your class: — Register with a Registration Code (A) — Buy Online with a credit card (B) — Start courtesy access (C), a 14-day free trial of your Connect course. Courtesy access is particularly useful for students who are awaiting financial aid and for those who may drop the class. Review the class for which you are registering. Then click Continue (A). Enter the required information and remember to accept the McGraw-Hill Terms of Use (A). Then click Complete My Registration (B).

You'll receive a confirmation that you've registered for Connect (created a Connect account). This also indicates that your Canvas account and Connect account are linked together. From here you can go to Connect (A) or return to Canvas (B). If you choose to go to Connect, you'll see your Section Home page, which contains your list of assignments. Return to Canvas at any time by clicking the Return to. Link on the left (A).

Here we'll explain how to take Connect assignments in Canvas. Once you've logged into Canvas, select Assignments (A) from the menu.

Then select the assignment you want to take (B). Click Launch (A) to open your assignment. Review the available assignment information and click Start assignment (A). If you aren't ready to take the assignment, you can return to Canvas by clicking Return to.

On the left (B). Begin taking the assignment. You can move to the next question by click the arrow near the question dropdown menu (A). You can save the assignment without submitting it by clicking Save & Exit (B) at any time. When you've completed the assignment, click Submit (C). Please note that these steps only apply to specific assignment types. You'll see a confirmation modal asking if you're sure you're ready to submit the assignment.

If you are, click Submit (A). Please note that this step only applies to specific assignment types. Once you've submitted the assignment, you'll be returned to the assignment questions. To view your grades in Canvas, click Return To Assignment List (A).

Please note that this step only applies to specific assignment types. You'll be returned to the assignment page in Canvas. Click Grades (A) to view your grades. Click on an assignment to see more information. Here we’ll explain how students will pair their Canvas course with an existing Connect account by launching an assignment in Canvas.

Once you've logged into Canvas, go to the Assignments page (A). Then select the assignment you want to take (B). Click Launch (A). Since you have an existing Connect account, you'll simply enter your email address (A) and password (B), and then click Sign In (C).

Get Smart 2 Students My Digital Book For Mac Free

Choose one of three ways to register for your class: — Register with a Registration Code (A) — Buy Online with a credit card (B) — Start courtesy access (C), a 14-day free trial of your Connect course. Courtesy access is particularly useful for students who are awaiting financial aid and for those who may drop the class. Review the information to make sure you're linking the correct Connect class to your Canvas course. Then click Continue (A). You'll receive a confirmation that your Canvas account and Connect account are linked together. From here you can go to Connect (A), where you'll have to find your assignment in the assignment list, or return to Canvas (B) and relaunch the assignment there.

Each of the guides provides important information to help you get the best result when uploading a video to Connect. Read the General Recording Guidelines, then select the guide relevant to how you want to record your video: Connect supports all commonly found digital video file types, including:.3gp/.3g2 (Mobile Phone).dv (Digital Video) (MPEG-4, H.264).mpg /.mpeg.mpg/.mpeg (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264).mp4 /.m4v.m4v (iTunes H.264).wmv/.asf (Windows Media Video).wmv /.wmv9. Before uploading a.mod file, you may need to rename it so that it has a.mpg extension. This will not alter the file, but will allow Connect to recognize it and upload it. Each of the guides listed below provides important information to help you get the best result when uploading a video to Connect. Read the General Recording Guidelines, then select the guide relevant to how you want to record your video: Connect supports all commonly found digital video file types, including:.3gp/.3g2 (Mobile Phone).dv (Digital Video) (MPEG-4, H.264).mpg /.mpeg.mpg/.mpeg (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264).mp4 /.m4v.m4v (iTunes H.264).wmv/.asf (Windows Media Video).wmv /.wmv9.Before uploading a.mod file, you may need to rename it so that it has a.mpg extension. This will not alter the file, but will allow Connect to recognize it and upload it.

Your instructor can assign you a variety of assignment types, including web activities (A), blog assignments (B) or file attachment assignments (C). There are additional assignment types, such as LearnSmart, but this is an overview of the three assignment types listed above.

Take some time to familiarize yourself with them before they're assigned to you. Web activities are straightforward and easy to use. Read your instructor's instructions and click on the provided links (A).

Get Smart 2 Student

Blog assignments require several steps. To start blogging, click + New Post (A). Once you populate the text fields — the title and body of the post — you'll have the option to delete the post, save it or add it, which will make it visible to your instructor. You can also + Comment (B) on blog posts, and see which of your classmates have created blog posts of their own (C). File attachment assignments simply require you to attach a file for submission to your instructor. You can choose files to add or drag them directly.

Most file types are accepted, but make sure to read the information regarding acceptable file types and sizes. In order to access your Connect assignments in Blackboard, you’ll have to pair the two accounts. You can do this before or after creating a Connect account or registering for a Connect class. Begin by logging into your Blackboard account.

Under My Courses, find and click the Connect class name your instructor provided (A). Please note that your instructor must create the class and pair it with Blackboard before you can proceed. Next you’ll see a page that contains information about the class or other materials provided by your instructor. Locate an available Connect or LearnSmart assignment and click it. Please note that you may need to consult with your instructor in order to locate the assignment. In this case, it is located under the Course Material tab (A). In some cases, like the one shown here, assignments will be placed in folders.

Either click on an available assignment or on a folder (A) in order to proceed. If the assignment is contained in a folder, as shown here, open the folder and then select an available assignment (A). You’ll be taken to the Connect welcome page. If you already have a Connect account, just sign in using your Connect login credentials (A) and you’ll be taken through several steps to register for the class itself.

If you do not have a Connect account, simply Register here (B). Please note that if you have already registered for the class in Connect, your Blackboard and Connect accounts will be paired automatically. To register for a Connect class, plug the URL provided by your instructor into a browser.

You'll be taken to a welcome screen that contains information about your class, including the instructor name and class title. When you're sure that information is correct, enter your email address (A) and click Begin (B).

Note: If you've already purchased the book, using either a credit card or access code, you still have to join the class. Enter the email address you used when purchasing the book and you'll be registered to the class. Next you'll have to create a Connect account. Enter your information, agree to the terms and move on to the next step (A). If you're purchasing Connect with a credit card, select Buy Online (A). Verify that the class is correct and then click Buy (A).

Enter your billing information (A) and then your payment information (B), and then review and place your order (C). At the end of this three-step purchase process, you'll be able to finalize your purchase and view your Connect class. You'll see a confirmation page showing your newly purchased Connect class! Click Continue (A) to move on.

This is the final page in the registration process. Click Go To Connect (A) to check out your new Connect class!. To register for a Connect class, plug the URL provided by your instructor into a browser. You'll be taken to a welcome screen that contains information about your class, including the instructor name and class title. When you're sure that information is correct, enter your email address (A) and click Begin (B). Note: If you've already purchased the book, using either a credit card or access code, you still have to join the class.

Enter the email address you used when purchasing the book and you'll be registered to the class. Next you'll have to create a Connect account. Enter your information, agree to the terms and move on to the next step (A). If you're registering for Connect with an access code, enter the access code (A) and click Submit (B). Verify that the class is correct and then click Confirm (A). This is the final page in the registration process.

Click Go To Connect (A) to check out your new Connect class!. Prerequisite assignments are assignments that must be taken in a required order. Each assignment must be completed before the next assignment can be taken. These assignments will be indicated in the assignment list on your Section Home page (A).

When you click on the indicated assignment, a window will open showing you all of the prerequisite assignments associated with that assignment. You must take the first assignment in the list (A) and complete it with the required score (B) before you can move on to the next assignment. Some prerequisite assignments are grouped in clusters (C). These can be taken in any order, but they must be fully completed before you can move on to the next assignment. Click OK to proceed (D).

When you complete a required assignment, the next assignment will become available in your assignment list. Here we’ll explain how to pair your existing Brightspace course with a new Connect class and register for Connect (create a Connect account). Once you've logged into Brightspace, select the class you want to pair.

Then, in the widget, click Begin (A). On the Connect welcome page, click Register (A). Enter your email address (A) and click Begin (B).

Enter the required information to register and create your Connect account. When finished, click Next Step (A).

Choose one of three ways to register for your class: — Register with an access code (A) — Purchase access with a credit card (B) — Start courtesy access (C), a 14-day free trial of your Connect course. Courtesy access is particularly useful for students who are awaiting financial aid and for those who may drop the class. Review the class information before continuing.

When ready, click Confirm (A). When you've completed registration, you'll see a Success page from which you can Go to Connect (A). Explore your new Connect class! You can return to Brightspace at any time by clicking the link at the top of the page (A). Here we’ll explain how to pair your existing Brightspace course with an existing Connect account. Once you've logged into Brightspace, select the class you want to pair.

Then, in the widget, click Begin (A). Since you have an existing Connect account, you'll simply enter your email address (A) and password (B), and then click Sign In (C). Choose one of three ways to register for your class: — Register with an access code (A) — Purchase access with a credit card (B) — Start courtesy access (C), a 14-day free trial of your Connect course. Courtesy access is particularly useful for students who are awaiting financial aid and for those who may drop the class.

Review the class information before continuing. When ready, click Confirm (A). When you've completed registration, you'll see a Success page from which you can Go to Connect (A).

Explore your new Connect class! You can return to Brightspace at any time by clicking the link at the top of the page (A). Find the assignment you want to take and click on its title to see assignment information (A) such as assignment type, start and due dates, attempts remaining, points possible, extensions and time limits (B). You can also jump right into an assignment by clicking its quick-start arrow (C). Important note: Clicking Begin from the information panel or using the quick start will automatically begin your first attempt. If you have only one attempt or if the assignment is timed, make sure you’re ready to start before launching the assignment.

Once you launch the assignment, you’ll see the introduction page, which contains: - instructions (A) - a progress bar (B) - assignment details (C), such as due date, attempts and total points - general information about attempts and scoring (D) - information about utilizing resources (E) Click Let’s go! (F) to take the assignment.

Remember: Seeing this page means your assignment attempt was automatically started, and, if timed, that the clock started. Click Go back (G) to return to the previous screen. Assignments contain a progress bar (A) so you can track your work. Click the square icon (B) to open the question map, where you can skip around questions. In the Resources area (C) you’ll find general assignment information and other resources the instructor makes available. In some assignments you’ll also have the option to check your work (D). If you need to leave the assignment, but you’re not ready to submit it, you can always Save & exit (E) and come back to it later.

Otherwise, just click Submit (F) to turn it in. The question map contains all of the questions within an assignment. You can skip around as needed, but note that some questions are grouped in series that have a required order. Grouped questions are indicated by a link icon (A) and paginated text (B). Use the progress bar to track your status (C). Click the X (D) to leave the question map and return to your work.

From the assignment list on your Section Home page, choose the Power of Process assignment (A). You’ll be prompted to begin the assignment. The My Process screen will appear. The strategy wheel (A) contains questions that must be answered before, during or after the reading, each category indicated with a different color.

Click a strategy to begin. You can always leave the assignment and return to it later by clicking Save & Exit (B). If your instructor assigned you to upload a text, you will be directed to do so after clicking the assignment from the Section Home. You’ll be asked to Upload a File (A). Only.doc and.docx files can be uploaded at this time.

It is best to remove any unnecessary images prior to uploading in order to reduce the file size. When your upload is complete, click Assign (B). You can also Delete (C) or Preview (D) the file.

Selecting a strategy takes you to the reading and its accompanying question. Enter your response in the answer field (A) and click Save (B). To return to the strategy wheel at any time, click My Process (C). You’ll be taken there automatically after saving. In strategies where your instructor has required annotation responses, you’ll need to highlight specific words or phrases (A). Click the comment icon that appears (B), enter your annotation in the space allotted (C) and Save (D).

Remember to Save your response (E). When you’ve completed all strategies, click My Process Reflection (A). You’ll be asked to reflect on your process. Enter your response in the answer field (A) and then Save (B). You can analyze your process using the data provided: the order in which you visited strategies (C) and number of times you did so (D). After saving your process reflection, you’ll have another opportunity to edit your answers (A).

When satisfied with your responses, Submit Assignment (B). You can also download the assignment as a PDF (C). If you’re not ready to submit the assignment, Save & Exit (D) and return to it later.

At first glance, your total grade may not seem to match up with how you’re doing in every category. Every assignment is worth a different amount of points and every category of assignments (Homework, Quiz, Exam, etc.) is worth a different percentage of your total grade.

Within a category, each assignment is weighted based on the total points possible. The points earned on each assignment are summed and then divided by the total points possible for that category. Above is an example of this.

138 divided by 160 (136/160) =.8625 = 86.25% So you would have an 86.25% in the Homework category. To calculate your total grade, first all the categories are calculated as we have just described. Then each category score is converted to a decimal by moving the decimal point two places to the left (ex.

75.5% becomes.755) and multiplied by the weight it’s worth in the total grade. You can find the weight it’s worth below the category title in your gradebook. The gradebook is currently only available for World Language titles, so you may not have a gradebook at all.

If you’re in a World Language course and still don’t have a gradebook, it is because your instructor has not turned it on. After multiplying each category score by its weight, the new totals for each category are added together to give you the total score (in percent). Above is an example of this. 21 + 36 + 25.88 = 82.88% So your total grade would be an 82.88% Note: If a category has zero submissions, the weight of the other categories with submissions increases proportionally to add up to 100%.

MH Practice is a series of 3D multiplayer learning games from McGraw-Hill Education. These games are available for marketing and American government courses. If your instructor has assigned you an MH Practice course, click practice now (A) on your Section Home page.After clicking practice now (A) you will be prompted to register and pay for access if you haven’t signed up already, so sign up only if your instructor has assigned you an MH Practice assignment. View the student manual on the MH Practice homepage for more information. From your Library tab (A), click voice tools (B) to create a voice presentation (C), a voice email (D) or a voice podcast (E).

To complete a new assignment using one of the tools, click its respective tile. The voice presentation tool allows you to record comments about web content that you can present to your instructors and peers.

With voice email, you can add a personal touch to emails you send to instructors and classmates. You can also record voice podcasts to bring real-world content and engage in holistic learning. Once you’ve clicked the voice presentation tile, enter a title (A) and an optional description below.

Click submit (B) to create your presentation. A new screen with instructions and helpful tips will open.

Click new (A) to begin creating your presentation. A window will open, prompting you to enter a subject (B) and a URL (C). Remember that is already in the field. Begin recording your comments (D) and, if desired, add a comment in the field below (D). Click post (E) when done.

To add another slide to the presentation, click new again. After clicking the voice email tile, you’ll be able to enter a subject, provide a description and choose recipients. Click submit. A window will open, displaying your email address, recipients’ email addresses (if you entered recipients in the previous screen) and a subject.

Click record (A) to begin and stop (B) when done. Add comments (C) as desired and click send (D). After clicking the voice podcaster tile, you’ll be able to enter a title and provide content description.

Click submit. A new window will open. Click new (A) and enter a subject title (B). Click record (C) to begin and stop (D) when done. Enter comments (E) as desired and click post (F).

When you’ve finished posting, your completed podcast, its length and the recording date will be listed in the window (A). For more information on how your peers and instructors can subscribe to your podcast, click help (B). Podcast subscriptions are very useful to students, particularly if you plan to post podcasts daily, weekly or monthly. Subscriptions allow your newest podcasts to be automatically downloaded to most mobile devices so that your friends and instructors can listen to them on the go. The peer review questions your instructor assigned display one at a time (A).

Use the arrows to scroll through the questions. (B). To answer the question shown, highlight related text in your peer’s draft with your cursor and click the comment button that appears when you release your mouse (A).

Type your answer in the comment box (A) and click save comment (B). An orange speech bubble will appear where you left your comment in the draft. When you have answered all the questions and are ready to submit your comments to your peer and your instructor, click submit (A) at the bottom of the essay.

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