Audio Merge Split For Mac
Pdf Split And Merge Basic
Ondesoft Audio Recorder includes edit function, this guide shows how to use it to cut off unwanted audio segments on a Mac. Install and launch Ondesoft Audio Recorder Follow instructions to install Ondesoft Audio Recorder on Mac and launch it after installation. The edit interface will display as below: 2.
Import recordings or audio files Click on 'Open' button to import recordings or audio files that you need to edit. Then you can play audios with the built-in player.
Trim off unwanted audio clips Mark start time and end time of the audio segment where you would like to cut. For current version, only one clip is allowed to be selected at a time. You can only play the defined audio clip to check if you have marked correctly. If not, you can reset the audio clip.
If yes, please press 'Remove' to trim it. With only easy three steps, you've got your personalized audio files. Download and try our audio recorder right now to enjoy more fun in your Mac world.